Make Your Voice Heard
Election Day is Tuesday, July 26 for the Greensboro City Council municipal election. Early voting is available July 7-23. If you are a resident of Greensboro…it is important to go to the polls and make your voice heard. You can find additional information on early voting locations & times on the Guilford County Board of Elections website along with a sample ballot.

Early this year, GBA members participated in TREBIC’s Election Committee interviewing City and County candidates to determine those who best understand and support our industry as well as regional economic development.
Based on candidate interviews, below are recommended candidates supportive of the building & real estate industry:
Greensboro City Council (non-partisan): Tuesday, July 26
- Mayor: Nancy Vaughan
- At Large: Marikay Abuzuaiter, Yvonne Johnson, Hugh Holston
- District 1: Felton Foushee
- District 2: Goldie Wells
- District 3: Zack Matheny
- District 4: Nancy Hoffman
- District 5: Tammi Thurm
Guilford County Board of Commissioners: Tuesday, November 8
- At Large: Kay Cashion – D
- District 2: Alan Perdue – R
- District 3: Derek Mobley – D, Pat Tillman – R
- District 7: Frankie T Jones – D
NOTE: Guilford County Election will be held in November…Greensboro City Election is July 26.